2023 Open edX Elections - Candidatures


## Full name

Ignacio (Nacho) Despujol Zabala

## Picture

## Title (1-5 words)

Let’s make Open edX the best LMS for on and off-campus use!

## Goals summary for the 2023 term (<40 words)

I want to help make Open edX a sustainable open source project with a strong and diverse community. I also want to contribute to incorporating the point of view of the university’s platform managers into the Open edX governance and help to expand edX into being a strong contestant in the on-campus LMS arena.

### Details

I think that Open edX is the best LMS for massive online learning, but it has a lot to improve as an on-campus LMS. I want to take advantage of the financing that we have from the European Union as a seed to foster this change, and I want to make it in a way that is profitable for the broader community.

I also want to contribute to the process of transforming Open edX into a completely open and diverse open source project with a vibrant community, and I think that now we have a big opportunity to do it right.

## Relevant experience

I am the MOOC initiative coordinator of Universitat Politècnica de València. We are members of edx.org with more than 100 moocs and 3,5 million enrollments and also have a local instance of Open edX for more local courses and first runs of the Edx courses, which we have been using since we started 2014. With it we have done several experiments, creating Xblocks and other developments that we have presented in several Open edX conferences (though we have not contributed them to the core).

I was appointed as one of the initial TOC community members, where I participated in the strategy-setting meetings held during this year, and in the development of the election process of TOC community members. I will continue working as a member of the TOC until the elections are finished and the new team takes on, and I think that I can still make fruitful contributions for one more year.

I am also leading the initiative of several universities from Spain to expand Open edX with 500,000 euros of European Union funding, a project that I presented to the community at the Lisboa Open edX conference. Following this line, I am participating in the recently created “Open edX for Campus use” working group, to keep the project aligned with the broader community and make Open edX one of the best on-campus LMS.

At the moment of presenting this candidature, I am not yet a core contributor, and my application to the core contributor program is in the revision phase, so this candidature is conditional to my application being accepted.

## Time commitment

I plan to dedicate 5 hours per month to TOC activities, but I am open to dedicating more if needed.