Core Contributor Check-in: Jan 6 - Jan 19, 2024
Here’s a snapshot of our last CC sprint…
Core Contributor Hours
Slight glitch… the Listaflow reminder emails weren’t sent this month. But nevertheless, we still had 12 Core Contributors fill in the Sprint Check-in Thank you!
There was a total of 101 hours of contributions reported, which is 41 hours more than the previous sprint of 60 hours.
The overall checklist response rate was 18% for this sprint, which is a 6% decline from last sprint. The previous 4 sprints saw an average of about 24% in response rate.
Summary of Responses
1. Do you need any help? Or is there anything you’d like to collaborate on?
- A direct quote from Xavier: “A sad week for the project, with many great members of the community from 2U exiting it. We need to consider the consequences for the project and the community. It will inevitably require the rest of us in the community to step up to pick some of the work up. It could be a good occasion to revise old status quos to follow good practices.”
2. What should we improve? Are there any blockers?
- No answers
3. What did you accomplish this sprint?
- extended my CC rights to edx-platform!
- reviewed and commented on the Aspects v1 product requirements
- working on documenting Aspects ADRs: openedx-aspects#61
- discussed proper handling of non-openedx events on event-routing-backends#377
- answered questions on forum 1 2, and slack 1
- reviewed conference talk proposals for my team
- spent quite a bit of time on various administrative tasks related to the CC user list in Listaflow, causing a knock-on effect in confirming who is a CC, and who isn’t. It also allowed me to add CCs that haven’t been added to the Wiki CC List. One CC also gave me a bit of feedback on the CC onboarding which I’ll relay to the CC WG
- created the CC Sprint Check In form
- working on the Graded Discussion spec, and have received feedback from ASU to descope and refine
- proposed a talk, and reviewed talks for the Open edX conference
- help in Discuss
- worked to improve the WooCommerce Open edX plugin
- reviewed frontend-app-course-authoring PRs
- reviewed cs_comment_service PR
- automated summaries and transcripts for meetings - Usage of Slack vs more async tools · Issue #111 · openedx/wg-coordination · GitHub
- async follow-up on tasks from Contributors Coordination Topics · GitHub (Contributors & Community Working Group)
- proposal reviews for the Open edX Conference - Talk proposal reviews · Issue #86 · openedx/wg-coordination · GitHub
- forum moderation
- scrapped the list of the Open edX sites showing which initiatives are active and valuable
- made a video for the conference
- researched and worked on improving type safety of frontend code
- drafted questions for a CC survey
- submitted a conference talk proposal
- attended the Core Product and UX/UI meetings
4. What do you plan to work on in the upcoming sprint?
- refining the Graded Discussions Spec
- upstreaming onboarding course - Prepare interview & async sprint
- prepare TOC presentation for Meetup
- follow up on PR Delays
- discovery for Open edX Handbook
- review draft questions of the CC Survey
- compile TOC notes
- improving the layout of the List of UX/UI Projects page in the wiki.
- working on Aspects documentation and bugfixes as they arise.
- improve the WooCommerce Open edX plugin
- participate more in the Conference planning
5. What went well this sprint?
- Aspects v1 is shaping up really well!
- old topics and issues being sorted out this sprint, like the release planning.
Questions or comments?
Please add any questions or comments you might have below. We’d love to hear from you!
And if you’d like to take a peek at the full report, see it on Listaflow.