Frontend Pluggability Summit

First off, these are all good points, @ghassan, but they’re only tangentially about pluggability, so I’m not sure they have a place at the summit.

Here are my hot takes, though. Back to front:

There’s already a detailed issue written up for this:

Mono-repos have pros and cons. The biggest con right now is that we don’t have a lot of experience with them, and it would require a bunch of retooling. In other words, there should be significant discovery into what exactly we would be gaining.

@AdamStankiewicz may have some insight, as, reportedly, Enterprise has started some experimentation in that direction.

I think that without dev data (OEP-37), it becomes really hard to build a mock service that’s actually useful.

But, in any case, there have been related conversations around Pact, recently. @DawoudSheraz gave a presentation on it on June 1 to the Frontend Working Group. I think this is a good thread to follow, going forward. But, again, not in the Pluggability summit.

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