Is Meilisearch a viable upgrade alternative to OpenSearch?

Shortly after Redwood, we should have enough information to know how we want to proceed. If Meilisearch pans out, we make a new DEPR, and make Meilisearch a baseline requirement for Sumac. We start porting over existing Python code that currently uses Elasticsearch to use Meilisearch instead in the run up to Sumac. Elasticsearch is likely still around as an option for the Teak release, but is dropped entirely after Teak is cut.

The most annoying sticking point is likely to be the forums–particularly the cs_comments_service written in Ruby. Next week, I’ll work on a long overdue ADR for re-implementing that service’s functionality in Django. The search part of that re-implementation would likely not start until after Redwood is cut, so we should have a direction by then.

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