Missing py2neo package causing build issues in ALL edx-platform releases

@regis Please update tutor/CHANGELOG.md at master · overhangio/tutor · GitHub to indicate the existence of v13.3.2 and this bug. I was using the changelog to find the latest version of each release as I try to do a version-by-version upgrade. So since the changelog only mentioned 13.3.1, I thought that was the latest version, so I hit this error and had to google it to find this. (Apparently the same thing with 15.3.9 which isn’t mentioned, as 15.3.7 is the last thing in the changelog…14.2.5 (14.2.3 is the latest), etc. I guess I’ll have to start using tutor · PyPI instead as the source of truth for latest versions since there’s not even a 13.3.2 tag on the github…)