Problems applying Customised MFE libraries (eg "frontend-platform") to a production Open edX platform (using "tutor local")

I’ve been following Dimitris’ issues pretty closely as we’ve been working together on this matter. To the best of my understanding, there is an issue with installing frontend-platform from source. This is not a problem of installing the right version.

To understand what is going on, run the following commands in, for instance, the frontend-app-profile repo (open-release/nutmeg.master):

$ npm install --no-save @edx/frontend-platform@1.15.6 # this the required version in Nutmeg
$ ls node_modules/@edx/frontend-platform/
analytics  config.js      constants.js      i18n  logging       package.json  utils.js
auth  index.js  initialize.js  LICENSE            node_modules  pubSub.js     react          testing

The installed package contains all the necessary files.

Now, install from the GitHub source repo:

$ npm install --no-save @edx/frontend-platform@git+
$ ls node_modules/@edx/frontend-platform/
docs  jsdoc.json  LICENSE  node_modules  openedx.yaml  package.json  service-interface.png  src

Notice how in the latter example the package source files are all contained in the src folder. This causes npm run build to fail further down the road.

This leads me to conclude that there is a problem in how frontend-platform is packaged.

The fact that we cannot install frontend-platform from GitHub means that it’s extremely difficult to install a forked version of frontend-platform – which we need in some cases, such as installing an extra language/locale, which @Dimitris_Angelakis is trying to do.

How are frontend-platform developers installing their local forks in the MFE environments?