Bonjour chers condisciples de mooc CERTICEscol-CIV. Je me nomme KOFFI ETTIEN. Je n’ai pas pu participer à la visioconférence de ce jour. , prévue pour 13h
Je vous serai reconnaissant de bien vouloir me donner un aperçu du contenu. Excellente journée à vous.
The latest BTR Meetup, as far as I know, has been recorded and shared on the “Build/Test/Release Working Group Biweekly Meetup” forum thread. However, looking at that forum thread, there hasn’t been a BTR meetup today.
Accordingly, would you please share the calendar event for the video conference or meetup you weren’t able to attend? It would help identify the host of the video conference, so they can, hopefully, provide an overview of the discussions that took place.