Build failed: Unknown task: install_prereqs

I got the following error when configuring the Analytics Devstack by running the following provision command as per

make dev.provision.analytics_pipeline


Creating    ... done
Creating edx.devstack.lms       ... done
+ docker-compose exec lms bash -c 'source /edx/app/edxapp/edxapp_env && cd /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform && NO_PYTHON_UNINSTALL=1 paver install_prereqs'
Build failed: Unknown task: install_prereqs
make: *** [] Error 1

I am using MacOS 10.14.6 and Docker Desktop
And using open-release/ironwood.master .

When getting log using the following command, I got the following
docker-compose logs lms

edx.devstack.lms | python: can’t open file ‘/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/’: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Wong Liong Hung

Managed to solve the problem after following steps 1 through 7 instead of 6

"To install Analytics Devstack, follow these steps.

  1. Follow steps 1 through 6 in Install Devstack."
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The link takes to a ‘404 not found’ page.