Hi all!
A reminder that the Call for Proposals for Open edX conference talks is closing soon! Please submit your talk proposals by 23 Jan 2023 at 17:00 UTC.
We’d also like to take the time to share our judging criteria with you, to help you craft the best proposal. If you’ve already submitted your proposal, you can log in to Sessionize to update it any time before the CFP closes. To begin with, please take note of the following rule:
No talk will be accepted that is an advertisement, has inappropriate content, or is not directly relevant to the Open edX community.
Judging Criteria for All Talks
This talk is worthwhile to the Open edX community. It is inspiring and engaging. It is timely and relevant to what’s going on in the community.
If I saw this talk/tutorial on the schedule and I hadn’t bought a ticket, would this change my mind?
The talk proposal is well-structured, and includes enough information that I’m confident the proposer will have enough content for a full-length presentation (for the given slot length: 10 minutes for lightning talk; 45 minutes for talk; 90 minutes for tutorial).
- If the talk has TOO much content, that is, there’s so much material that the talk couldn’t possibly cover all that information in the slot time, your talk may still be accepted but we will let you know where we think you should cut it down.
Attendees will learn something from this talk.
This talk presents a unique idea, one I haven’t heard before; or, this tutorial covers a topic that I think would be beneficial for community members to learn in-depth about.
This talk is aimed for a wide audience - that is, it is not too advanced nor is it too simple. (Note: for talks, a “wide audience” would include most conference attendees, whereas for tutorials the audience may be more scoped, ie, aimed at beginners in a subject. In that case, though, the tutorial should still be robust and rigorous - not too simple).
- Typically, attendees have at least 12-18 months of experience with the Open edX software/product. “Pedagogy” and “Product” attendees tend to have some depth of experience in their fields beyond the specifics of Open edX software; many developers do, but some non-negligible fraction are in their first job as a software engineer. In general talks can assume some background knowledge, but shouldn’t assume the whole audience is filled with either seasoned veterans or complete novices.
If I already had a ticket, Would I attend this talk or tutorial?
For tutorials: the tutorial is interactive, engaging, and will use the full 90 minutes. It is not simply a 90-minute talk or a less than 90 minute tutorial.
Additional Criteria for Specific Tracks
Other Track
- When submitting an “Other” track talk, authors need to specify what hypothetical non-existent “Track” they’d choose for it. Criteria: The author’s proposed “Track” is one that would match with/resonate with event attendees.
Developer & Operators Track
- The talk is sufficiently technical that developers and/or operators will be interested, engaged, and able to learn.
Pedagogy Track
- If I was a teacher or course author, this talk would have given me tools and/or techniques to improve how knowledge can be transmitted to students.
Product Track
- The product feature/improvement described is of use to the broader community.
- The personas using the product’s functions are well defined