Coomon Cartridge Imports

Has there been any new developments or plans towards importing Common Cartridge courses into Open edX? The only one I can find came from an old hack-a-thon and does not work with Ironwood. Having a tool to convert CC format (.imscc) to edX format would be helpful

Hi Mark,
I don’t know if you tried .
I find above repo very much compatible with Ironwood as well, although not all of the content would be converted but it converts basic things like course outline and some of the problems well.

Thank you Ritesh. I have tried it once with Ironwood but I will give another effort to see if I did something wrong (usually the case :slight_smile: )

Hi @mveljkov, we are just beginning a project to fill out the feature set of cc2olx.

It will support converting certain types of content from Common Cartridge, but it won’t convert most problem types or assessments currently.

The project we are starting plans to add support for assessments, discussions, and other features that the current cc2olx doesn’t support.

Thank you Josh, i will look forward to your progress.

Hi @joshm , did you manage to make any progress in the project?