Credentials plugin issues installing

Hi folks, I’d like some help please with the installation of tutor-credentials 16.1.0 on tutor, version 16.1.5

I’ve followed the instructions to install:

pip install tutor-credentials
tutor plugins enable discovery mfe credentials
tutor local launch

But the launch part fails with error:
ERROR 1292 (22007) at line 1: Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'first_name'
where first_name is a user’s first name. Deleting a user that fails just brings me to the same error on a different name, so I assume it’s an issue with the table rather than the user, doesn’t make much sense to me why a name would be stored as a Double value.

Is anyone familiar with this issue?

[+] Creating 1/0
 ✔ Container tutor_local-mysql-1  Running                                                                                                      0.0s
credentials service - ./ migrate
Operations to perform:
  Apply all migrations: admin, auth, catalog, contenttypes, core, credentials, records, sessions, sites, social_django, verifiable_credentials, waffle
Running migrations:
  No migrations to apply.
credentials service - ./ migrate create_or_update_site
Running init task in mysql
docker compose -f /home/tutor/.local/share/tutor/env/local/docker-compose.yml -f /home/tutor/.local/share/tutor/env/local/ --project-name tutor_local -f /home/tutor/.local/share/tutor/env/local/ run --rm mysql-job sh -e -c 'echo "sync credentials.core_user to openedx.auth_user"
mysql -u root --password="xxxxxxxxx" --host "mysql" --port 3306 -e "\
INSERT credentials.core_user (password, last_login, is_superuser, username, first_name, last_name, email, is_staff, is_active, date_joined, full_name, lms_user_id) \
     SELECT    lms_user.password, \
               lms_user.last_login, \
               lms_user.is_superuser, \
               lms_user.username, \
               lms_user.first_name, \
               lms_user.last_name, \
     , \
               lms_user.is_staff, \
               lms_user.is_active, \
               lms_user.date_joined, \
               CASE WHEN NOT ISNULL( THEN ELSE lms_user.first_name + '"'"' '"'"' + lms_user.last_name END as full_name, \
      as lms_user_id \
     FROM      openedx.auth_user lms_user \
               LEFT JOIN openedx.auth_userprofile as lms_profile ON ( = lms_profile.user_id) \
               LEFT JOIN credentials.core_user credentials_user ON ( = credentials_user.lms_user_id) \
               LEFT JOIN credentials.core_user credentials_user2 ON (lms_user.username = credentials_user2.username) \
     WHERE     ( IS NULL) AND \
               (credentials_user2.username IS NULL);"'
[+] Creating 1/0
 ✔ Container tutor_local-mysql-1  Running                                                                                                      0.0s
sync credentials.core_user to openedx.auth_user
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
ERROR 1292 (22007) at line 1: Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'Joel'
Error: Command failed with status 1: docker compose -f /home/tutor/.local/share/tutor/env/local/docker-compose.yml -f /home/tutor/.local/share/tutor/env/local/ --project-name tutor_local -f /home/tutor/.local/share/tutor/env/local/ run --rm mysql-job sh -e -c echo "sync credentials.core_user to openedx.auth_user"
mysql -u root --password="xxxxxxxxx" --host "mysql" --port 3306 -e "\
INSERT credentials.core_user (password, last_login, is_superuser, username, first_name, last_name, email, is_staff, is_active, date_joined, full_name, lms_user_id) \
     SELECT    lms_user.password, \
               lms_user.last_login, \
               lms_user.is_superuser, \
               lms_user.username, \
               lms_user.first_name, \
               lms_user.last_name, \
     , \
               lms_user.is_staff, \
               lms_user.is_active, \
               lms_user.date_joined, \
               CASE WHEN NOT ISNULL( THEN ELSE lms_user.first_name + ' ' + lms_user.last_name END as full_name, \
      as lms_user_id \
     FROM      openedx.auth_user lms_user \
               LEFT JOIN openedx.auth_userprofile as lms_profile ON ( = lms_profile.user_id) \
               LEFT JOIN credentials.core_user credentials_user ON ( = credentials_user.lms_user_id) \
               LEFT JOIN credentials.core_user credentials_user2 ON (lms_user.username = credentials_user2.username) \
     WHERE     ( IS NULL) AND \
               (credentials_user2.username IS NULL);"