Deprecation/Removal waffle flag ENABLE_GLOBAL_STAFF_OPTIMIZATION

The waffle switch ENABLE_GLOBAL_STAFF_OPTIMIZATION has not functioned since the Quince release because the optimization is no longer relevant with the new studio interface (aka the course-authoring MFE). We’d like to remove this switch.

The proposal is here: [DEPR]: Remove waffle switch ENABLE_GLOBAL_STAFF_OPTIMIZATION

Acceptance date is: 2025-01-08T05:00:00Z

Removal target would be the end of January, since it’s already non-functional.

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With no (blocking) comments on this deprecation, this DEPR has been approved.

A PR to remove the waffle switch is up at feat: Remove DEPR waffle switch: ENABLE_GLOBAL_STAFF_OPTIMIZATION by marslanabdulrauf · Pull Request #36069 · openedx/edx-platform · GitHub

The PR has been merged and ENABLE_GLOBAL_STAFF_OPTIMIZATION has been removed.