- Before I’d installed codejail sandbox by instructions from https://docs.bitnami.com/installer/apps/edx/configuration/sandbox-codejail.
Also I talked about the problem with bitnami support in end of topic: https://community.bitnami.com/t/unable-to-deliver-your-submission-to-grader-reason-queue-edx-demox-not-found-please-try-again-later/72080/5. They just closed it, and wrote me, that on this forum I should ask about codejail.
But I’d found instruction: https://github.com/edx/codeja - In directory edx_installdir/apps/edx/venvs/edxapp/src/codejail I’d found codejail
- As wrote on page https://github.com/edx/codejail, I’ve activated command edx_installdir/use_edx
- By the same instruction, I’d run python. And wrote next:
import codejail.jail_code
codejail.jail_code.configure(‘python’, ‘/bin/python’)
import codejail.safe_exec
codejail.safe_exec.safe_exec(“a=5”, {}) - As result I have an error. An info about the error is on a screenshoot: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Q0_-uLlex3MnZWHhQ9YGUHVc-SIB2L0K
@Edx_Email.2 It looks as though you’ve specified a binary that doesn’t exist.
Is /bin/python
a binary on your system?
Most systems I’ve seen have python installed in /usr/bin/python
You can find your python installation location by running type -P python
Try configuring codejail with that path instead of /bin/python
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No, I’ve specified true binary.
I’ve tried and “/usr/bin/python”, and “edx_directory/apps/edx/venvs/edxapp-sandbox/bin/python”