Getting certified student data

Hi there,

How can I access the information of the students who received the certificate?
Download Certificate Data tab only shows the number of certified students, the course number, and the certificate date. I’d like to get the names, emails and certificate numbers of the students who received certificates. Any idea?

Hello @Hilal_Gungor,

You can get the list of the generated certificate from Generated Certificate table which is located here:


Make sure you have superuser access to open this.

thanks for replying :slight_smile:

but i only see this. I created those 4 rows for courses.

I don’t get any information about each student’s email, username or id from there.

On click of that row, you will get more details about that generated certificate.

i did it doesn’t work, i only get the course details course id, course mode etc.

As such there is no report, what you can do is consult directly from mysql and generate the report with a query similar to this

SELECT verify_uuid, auth_user.username,, 
FROM auth_user, certificates_generatedcertificate, course_overviews_courseoverview 

Only change COURSEID