Getting notification on new named releases


Can someone clarify the best way to stay informed on new named releases?
I see them listed here: Open edX Named Releases — Open edX Developer Docs 1.0.0 documentation

but there isn’t an obvious way to be mailed with notification? Tracking edits to the above page would be one (non ideal) way but I don’t see any way to do this?

Is there a very specific mailing list I can sign up to for just release announcements?



Hi @Rick, you can always subscribe to the OpenCraft newsletter using the form at Blog | OpenCraft. We always announce and discuss news releases in advance.

If you want to know when releases are official, there are a few ways:

If you want to be involved in the testing process, you can watch the Build-Test-Release category here.

We don’t have a mailing list specifically for releases, but you can “watch” in Discourse, and get an email when new topics are posted.

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