Hi ,
I am trying to create user account by using this API
. After adding authentication and request body its giving validation error , after adding proper request body .
Adding the CURL command here :
curl --location ‘http://local.overhang.io/api/user/v1/account/registration/’
–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’
–header ‘Cookie: csrftoken=138TYCDMCWzOdvFft1s4eatjFXOPs2f1khNYd76jn4ZUk4qaihwb1SGvL4fE96jU; sessionid=1|s0w0u05sglxdiwvvvk6lb8bv3wgqm8n8|LXuXZQfnDDhJ|ImRkMjNlOWZhNWZlZjc4NDUzYTRjNmEwMWVjOWY1OGE3OTUwZTIzMmUxODgyNDMwMTE4MmUxM2I3Yzc2OTZhNmUi:1r8Flo:TW-WYVE16o_4sX7Jjz5-PrnkMjI’
–data-raw ‘{
“username”: “staffTestUser”,
“email”: “userstaff@email.com”,
“password”: “12345”,
“name”: “staffTestUser”
the error I am getting :
“username”: [
“user_message”: “Username must be between 2 and 30 characters long.”
“email”: [
“user_message”: “A properly formatted e-mail is required”
“password”: [
“user_message”: “This field is required.”
“name”: [
“user_message”: “Your legal name must be a minimum of one character long”
“error_code”: “validation-error”