Any tutorial or doc available, which mention on how to integrate WebEx with open edx. I need help on how to integrate webex (https://www.webex.co.in) online meetings video or presentations, webinars with open edx using plugins or xblocks.
Any tutorial or doc available, which mention on how to integrate WebEx with open edx. I need help on how to integrate webex (https://www.webex.co.in) online meetings video or presentations, webinars with open edx using plugins or xblocks.
@deep06 I haven’t tested it, but there seem to be a LTI connector for WebEx that you could try, to see if it works with the LTI integration of Open edX and fits your needs:
@antoviaque, Thanks a Lot … let me go through it.
Following this thread, as we’ve been looking into this too. @omar
We are also looking to integrate Webex with open edX. Do you have now more insight to share ?
@deep06 any success on this?
@deep06 have you find any way to integrate Webex with Open edX ITL?
We have integrated zoom with meeting api. It required code writing. The webex has similar api i think
I am able to configure LTI to work with webex. Follow the cisco webex guide for Sakai. and add the LTI passport using the key and secret available after registering in the website lti.educonnector.io . Then go to the django admin panel of the studio (localhost:18010/admin/xblock_config/courseeditltifieldsenabledflag/) and add the flag to enable Request user’s username and mail in the lit_consumer block. Then set both value to the True in the xblock. LTI url in the xblock is https://lti.educonnector.io/launches. Then it works just fine.
Hi @Mahesh_C ,
Tried to follow your instruction but it is not working completely. Didn’t understand what do u mean by. “Request user’s username and mail in the lti_consumer block” . How can we enable this ? Not sure if anyone also facing issue with Webex but for us Instructor is able to start the meeting after LTI integration but we are unable to get the learner to join the meeting from LMS. The meeting is actually started but we get below error message as a learner in browser.
Can you please provide the setup u have done to achieve it. Below is the error screenshot as well as the setting we have done.
Thanks & Regards