Indigo is stylish, functional and customizable. It was designed to be easily installable with Tutor, but it should also be easy enough to install on a native Open edX installation.
Hi @Tommy! Please create a new topic where you describe your own issue. There, you should paste the exact command that you are running and that leads to the error.
root@ip-172-31-25-88:~/.local/share/tutor/env/build/openedx/themes/indigo# tutor config render . .
⚠️ You are running Tutor as root. This is strongly not recommended. If you are doing this in order to access the Docker daemon, you should instead add your user to the 'docker' group. (see
Error rendering template theme/lms/static/sass/partials/lms/theme/_variables.scss
Error: Missing configuration value: 'INDIGO_PRIMARY_COLOR' is undefined