I am not sure if this is the right place to ask for help. I tried to install AI_Coach_XBlock from https://github.com/edly-io/ai-coach-xblock and after setting advance module list, I do not see the “AI Coach” after pressing “Advanced component” of course unit. Here are my steps:
- pip install ai-coach-xblock
- Update Settings of LMS and CMS - Add the OPEN AI secret key in the lms and cms configuration files:
2.1) \env\apps\openedx\config\cms.env.yml
2.2) \env\apps\openedx\config\lms.env.yml
Add the following:
3) tutor local launch
4) Update course advanced settings by adding ai_coach
5) At course unit, click “Advanced component”, but AI Coach is not found.
I check the error log using the command suggested by @Mahendra.
tutor local logs --follow cms --tail=100 -f
And the attach is my log file.
cms log - 15 Oct 24.txt (36.6 KB)
There is error about item not found. I am not sure what is it about. And
I am quite new about plugin, is there anything I did incorrectly, please let me know. Thank you very much.