Installing default openedx header/footer frontend components breaks Redwood MFE build

Hi @lpm0073 ,
I mostly made MFEs header/footer changes using tutor dev. You have to follow similar steps for header and footer if you are using tutor dev. The module.config.js file will be like (You have to set “dist” correctly):

module.exports = {
    localModules: [
      { moduleName: '@edx/frontend-component-header', dir: '../frontend-component-header', dist: 'src' },
      { moduleName: '@edx/frontend-component-footer', dir: '../frontend-component-footer'  },
      { moduleName: '@edx/brand', dir: '../brand-openedx'  },

For production, I publish ‘header’ and ‘footer’ package on npm and it like that:

RUN npm install '@edx/brand@npm:@edly-io/indigo-brand-openedx'
RUN npm install '@edx/frontend-component-header@npm:@edly-io/indigo-frontend-component-header'
RUN npm install @edly-io/indigo-frontend-component-footer

I think that the problem is here:

RUN cd /openedx/app/frontend-component-footer && npm run build

when this runs, you have to cd .. to get back to the app folder. Currently, it seems like npm install --save '@edx/frontend-component-header@/openedx/app/frontend-component-header-edx' commands are executed in /openedx/app/frontend-component-footer folder.