There are what I’ve done:
- Forked the frontend-component-header repo
- Made the changes
- My plugins file is:
from tutor import hooks
RUN npm install '@edx/frontend-component-header@git+'
- Rebuilt: tutor images build openedx mfe --no-cache
- The logs return:
1.286 > @edx/frontend-app-learning@1.0.0-semantically-released build
1.286 > fedx-scripts webpack
1.333 Running with resolved config:
1.333 /openedx/app/
2.266 Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
2.266 npx update-browserslist-db@latest
2.266 Why you should do it regularly:
3.173 Failed to load /openedx/app/.env.
106.8 Error parsing bundle asset "/openedx/app/dist/475.e09ace9a6dfe72e8f4c1.js": no such file
106.8 Error parsing bundle asset "/openedx/app/dist/app.7f7f20d902268b14dc47.js": no such file
106.8 Error parsing bundle asset "/openedx/app/dist/216.45fe4776bd50b67d4f15.js": no such file
106.8 Error parsing bundle asset "/openedx/app/dist/700.5cffb78f9a20e01ba194.js": no such file
106.8 Error parsing bundle asset "/openedx/app/dist/35.748a72791af8fd5f6a6b.js": no such file
106.8 Error parsing bundle asset "/openedx/app/dist/106.ad15e599c40228db320e.js": no such file
106.8 Error parsing bundle asset "/openedx/app/dist/runtime.b9a4249fc36dc77e876e.js": no such file
106.8 Error parsing bundle asset "/openedx/app/dist/210.f5a70901e714ae4d24c2.js": no such file
106.8 Error parsing bundle asset "/openedx/app/dist/974.266021e4ab1c31eb7060.js": no such file
106.8 Error parsing bundle asset "/openedx/app/dist/159.b7d27609fce09260e712.js": no such file
106.8 Error parsing bundle asset "/openedx/app/dist/437.4382cf91d1ab96d684e5.js": no such file
106.8 Error parsing bundle asset "/openedx/app/dist/724.9df859b1afcf09dcdd69.js": no such file
106.8 Error parsing bundle asset "/openedx/app/dist/715.4a69e9d9d483eb5e318b.js": no such file
106.8 Error parsing bundle asset "/openedx/app/dist/901.3c2fb7494896ae24f37f.js": no such file
106.8 Error parsing bundle asset "/openedx/app/dist/28.6fb223466e052b6470d7.js": no such file
106.8 Error parsing bundle asset "/openedx/app/dist/443.7d4b7dead5ef7f7c034b.js": no such file
106.8 No bundles were parsed. Analyzer will show only original module sizes from stats file.
106.9 Webpack Bundle Analyzer saved report to /openedx/app/dist/report.html
107.3 assets by status 6.93 MiB [cached] 38 assets
107.3 Entrypoint app = runtime.b9a4249fc36dc77e876e.js 475.e09ace9a6dfe72e8f4c1.css 475.e09ace9a6dfe72e8f4c1.js app.7f7f20d902268b14dc47.css app.7f7f20d902268b14dc47.js 22 auxiliary assets
107.3 orphan modules 5.29 MiB [orphan] 3102 modules
107.3 runtime modules 7.95 KiB 15 modules
107.3 cacheable modules 8.66 MiB (javascript) 1.03 MiB (css/mini-extract)
107.3 modules by path ./node_modules/ 7.52 MiB (javascript) 0 bytes (css/mini-extract)
107.3 javascript modules 7.41 MiB 1062 modules
107.3 json modules 115 KiB 26 modules
107.3 css ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].use[1]!./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].use[2]!./node_modules/resolve-url-loader/index.js!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].use[4]!./node_modules/@edx/paragon/scss/core/_exports.module.scss 0 bytes [built] [code generated]
107.3 modules by path ./src/ 1.14 MiB (javascript) 1.03 MiB (css/mini-extract)
107.3 javascript modules 1.14 MiB 38 modules
107.3 css modules 1.03 MiB
107.3 modules by path ./src/course-home/ 515 KiB 2 modules
107.3 css ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].use[1]!./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].use[2]!./node_modules/resolve-url-loader/index.js!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].use[4]!./src/index.scss 534 KiB [built] [code generated]
107.3 css ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].use[1]!./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].use[2]!./node_modules/resolve-url-loader/index.js!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[2].use[4]!./src/courseware/course/Course.scss 2.67 KiB [built] [code generated]
107.3 readable-stream (ignored) 15 bytes [built] [code generated]
107.3 WARNING in ./node_modules/react-responsive/dist/react-responsive.js
107.3 Module Warning (from ./node_modules/source-map-loader/dist/cjs.js):
107.3 Failed to parse source map: 'webpack:///dist/react-responsive.js' URL is not supported
107.3 @ ./node_modules/@edx/paragon/dist/index.js 111:0-102 111:0-102 111:0-102 111:0-102
107.3 @ ./src/course-home/progress-tab/ProgressTab.jsx
107.3 @ ./src/index.jsx 22:0-65 99:46-57
107.3 1 warning has detailed information that is not shown.
107.3 Use 'stats.errorDetails: true' resp. '--stats-error-details' to show it.
107.3 ERROR in ./src/course-home/goal-unsubscribe/GoalUnsubscribe.jsx 5:0-74
107.3 Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@edx/frontend-component-header' in '/openedx/app/src/course-home/goal-unsubscribe'
107.3 @ ./src/course-home/goal-unsubscribe/index.jsx 1:0-48 2:15-30
107.3 @ ./src/index.jsx 21:0-61 50:25-40
107.3 ERROR in ./src/generic/CourseAccessErrorPage.jsx 7:0-74
107.3 Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@edx/frontend-component-header' in '/openedx/app/src/generic'
107.3 @ ./src/index.jsx 30:0-68 56:25-46
107.3 ERROR in ./src/index.jsx 9:0-76
107.3 Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@edx/frontend-component-header' in '/openedx/app/src'
107.3 ERROR in ./src/tab-page/TabPage.jsx 16:0-74
107.3 Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@edx/frontend-component-header' in '/openedx/app/src/tab-page'
107.3 @ ./src/tab-page/index.js 2:0-47 2:0-47
107.3 @ ./src/index.jsx 23:0-42 59:42-54 67:42-54 75:42-54 83:42-54 95:41-53 104:42-54
107.3 4 errors have detailed information that is not shown.
107.3 Use 'stats.errorDetails: true' resp. '--stats-error-details' to show it.
107.3 webpack 5.82.0 compiled with 4 errors and 1 warning in 101623 ms
What am I doing wrong?