Koa.3 has been tagged

After roughly 2 months since Koa.2 (and 2a), it’s now time for another point release: Koa.3! open-release/koa.3 was tagged today by the Build-Test-Release group. It contains the following changes, as compared with Koa.2a:

---- ./cs_comments_service ----
---- ./xqueue ----
0cd389d 2021-04-06 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.20
69e9f5b 2021-02-19 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.19
---- ./configuration ----
3cc140962 2021-04-07 Adolfo R. Brandes: docs: remove venv activation instructions
---- ./edx-platform ----
90c14a2dcd 2021-04-06 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.20
b8a0f18a2b 2021-04-02 Azan Bin Zahid: fix: Incident Security Fixes 10
979b9e99e0 2021-04-01 Max Sokolski: SE-3243 Remove injected edxnotes from AboutBlock (#24930) (#27198)
f3dca8e81f 2021-03-30 Sofiane Bébert: fix: Backport py2neo fix workaround (#27186)
da2ff79c54 2021-03-26 Ali Akbar: fix: don't duplicate text in forum notification email (#27123)
86ad473c4a 2021-03-18 GonzaloRomero: Logo Swap & Config for serving assets from cdn. 1. Header Logo 2. Footer Logo 3. Favicon
7f21156d48 2021-02-24 Gábor Boros: fix: remove absolute positioning to allow RTL scrolling (#26098)
2c332e8f32 2021-02-20 Aayush Agrawal: Fix flexbox not wrapping on mobile devices in preview menu (#26119)
327ebbd6da 2021-02-19 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.19
a4369d300b 2021-02-17 Ali-D-Akbar: Incident Management Security Fixes 9
---- ./edx-demo-course ----
---- ./repo-tools ----
---- ./edx-e2e-tests ----
050a7dc 2021-04-06 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.20
d68ab99 2021-02-19 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.19
---- ./edx-certificates ----
---- ./edx-analytics-data-api ----
5dbdfb0 2021-04-06 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.20
9163139 2021-02-19 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.19
---- ./edx-analytics-dashboard ----
89da8795 2021-04-06 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.20
35200391 2021-02-19 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.19
---- ./edx-analytics-configuration ----
---- ./edx-analytics-pipeline ----
---- ./edx-documentation ----
---- ./edx-notes-api ----
e5701c4 2021-04-06 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.20
30d04e0 2021-02-19 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.19
---- ./edx-app-ios ----
---- ./edx-app-android ----
---- ./ecommerce ----
2e3b3dcc 2021-04-06 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.20
9bf00044 2021-02-25 Samuel Walladge: Allows setting default currency from environment (#2916)
a52287a4 2021-02-19 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.19
---- ./testeng-ci ----
---- ./ecommerce-worker ----
689915a 2021-04-06 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.20
fcce839 2021-02-19 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.19
---- ./course-discovery ----
2e2d308a 2021-04-06 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.20
309085dd 2021-02-19 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.19
---- ./credentials ----
b0080f76 2021-04-06 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.20
baabb6bc 2021-02-19 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.19
---- ./devstack ----
---- ./frontend-template-application ----
---- ./blockstore ----
ba80f3b 2021-04-06 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.20
46a0b40 2021-02-19 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.19
---- ./edx-developer-docs ----
---- ./frontend-app-gradebook ----
---- ./frontend-app-publisher ----
---- ./frontend-app-profile ----
---- ./frontend-app-account ----
---- ./frontend-app-learning ----
---- ./enterprise-catalog ----
9bb73f6 2021-04-06 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.20
0b036c7 2021-02-19 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.19
---- ./frontend-app-support-tools ----
---- ./license-manager ----
a0f0e70 2021-04-06 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.20
beb2e52 2021-02-19 Ned Batchelder: chore: upgrade Django to 2.2.19

there is some problem with py2neo workaround:

-e git+https://github.com/technige/py2neo.git@py2neo-3.1.2#egg=py2neo==3.1.2

It needs to pull py2neo-3.1.2 tag or branch. But in GitHub - technige/py2neo: EOL! Py2neo is a comprehensive Neo4j driver library and toolkit for Python. no tags/branches found. So, in koa tutor image build openedx i gets:

#28 9.882 Obtaining py2neo==3.1.2 from git+https://github.com/technige/py2neo.git@py2neo-3.1.2#egg=py2neo==3.1.2 (from -r ./requirements/edx/base.txt (line 14))
#28 9.883   Cloning https://github.com/technige/py2neo.git (to revision py2neo-3.1.2) to /openedx/venv/src/py2neo
#28 9.883   Running command git clone -q https://github.com/technige/py2neo.git /openedx/venv/src/py2neo
#28 11.63   WARNING: Did not find branch or tag 'py2neo-3.1.2', assuming revision or ref.
#28 11.63   Running command git checkout -q py2neo-3.1.2
#28 11.64   error: pathspec 'py2neo-3.1.2' did not match any file(s) known to git
#28 11.64 ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: git checkout -q py2neo-3.1.2 Check the logs for full command output.
#28 11.65 WARNING: You are using pip version 20.0.2; however, version 24.2 is available.
#28 11.65 You should consider upgrading via the '/openedx/venv/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
process "/bin/sh -c pip install -r ./requirements/edx/base.txt" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1
Error: Command failed with status 1: docker build -t docker.io/overhangio/openedx:11.3.1 /home/eazaika/tvm/tutor-koa/env/build/openedx