Let's talk about the native installation

So, as promised, here’s the video from Cory’s brain dump on the future (and present!) of edx-configuration:

And these are the notes, which are still being improved upon. If you have anything you feel we missed from the meeting, feel free to contribute!

The short-short version as it pertains to this topic is:

  • The exact timeline for full deprecation of edx-configuration is still undetermined: edX still uses it to generate its edx-platform master images
  • These master images contain an alternate way of managing yaml/json configuration that does not require a full ansible run when changes are made, called RemoteConfig/Hermes
  • Hermes is not the future: edX is slowly moving to Kubernetes and Helm - but hasn’t yet for the edx-platform IDAs
  • edX won’t be publishing the Helm charts it uses in production, but may consider maintaining a sample version, if it is deemed necessary by the community
  • Dockerfiles for each IDA will be provided in each repo
  • There is a desire by both edX and the community to unify so that as many people and organizations as possible are using the same upstream codebase - but as far as edX is concerned, not at the expense of the freedom to choose their own internal deployment strategy