Hi, I am just now playing with the Open edX Native installation, following the guide for Ubuntu 16.04. My next step, once I start figuring out how everything works locally, is going to try to run the Dockerized version of the platform.
I saw Kubernetes mentioned in some discussions, and I have a question: are there any howtos about how to deploy Open edX in a Kubernetes cluster? I would be willing to be a guinea pig for any documentation you might have. I have pretty good Kubernetes experience.
P.S. Hi Ned! Small world! Hope to see you at a PyCon soon.
Hi Ned! I am thinking of putting together some courses online, and I thought I’d see how easy or hard it would be to launch my own platform based on Open edX. It’s not easy for sure, but it may be worth it. I have a lot of experience with hosting sites in the cloud, so I’m not going to give up easily
Hi @griggheo ,
Got any solution for this? If yes, please share the details of using kubernetes to deploy Openedx.
If No, where are you stuck right now?