LMS stop processing requests

Hi @Andres.Aulasneo , thanks for answering

Unfortunately, docker stats shows a normal use of resources

We’ve found out that the problem is with MySQL transactions. We are running a local instance of tutor, and MySQL is quite overloaded, so sometimes it runs out of memory. If the LMS request data from MySQL when it is overloaded, then the request wont be answered and an LMS worker would keep busy forever. This could eventually block all the LMS workers and thus the LMS will stop processing requests.

Not every LMS request blocks the database, we’ve locallized just trying to change the user’s password; but it may be more

All an all, it seems that separating the db from the logic it is needed to improve MySQL performance and thus prevent transactions to be blocked, so we are looking forward into it. Meanwhile we are going to adjust workers configuration to be “autokilled” after 5 minutes of being busy.

Hope this settings will overcome this error

Thanks for the tip anyway