How to make multiple choice like this in open edex?
example :
Yth. Agus Mulyadi
Jl. W. R. Supratman 63
i try to code it, but choice just read frist Sentence. What code to incuded every Sentence like example?
How to make multiple choice like this in open edex?
example :
Yth. Agus Mulyadi
Jl. W. R. Supratman 63
i try to code it, but choice just read frist Sentence. What code to incuded every Sentence like example?
If you are using an older version of Open edX, you can follow this documentation, which outlines the process of creating a multiple-choice problem: 8.22. Multiple Choice Problem — Building and Running an Open edX Course documentation.
For Open edX releases starting with the Lilac release, you can refer to this video guide sponsored by edunext:
I hope this information helps!
thankyou, the video was very helpful