MySQLdb._exceptions.OperationalError: (2005, "Unknown MySQL server host 'edx.devstack.mysql57' (22)")

Hello everyone,
I am trying to install openedx devstack using This resource ,I did try running make command using sudo like- sudo make dev.clone
,but in last step I am facing the following error,my ubuntu version is 20.04,I have uninstalled all previously installed openedx,should I run this in a virtual environment? Please help me to find the solution,I am stuck here for almost 3 days

Hi @Md.Muntasir_Mamun
your document is outdated.
I’m not sure if it helps or not, but could you try to follow the latest installation guide?
you can find it under the devstack repository’s README.
don’t forget to change to the branch you intend to install.

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can you please suggest me with the branch name please,I would like to install all openedx facilities for developing specially with cms and lms,should i use lilac tag

@Md.Muntasir_Mamun, hi!

If you want to set up a devstack on the latest stable release, Lilac, you would first:

export OPENEDX_RELEASE=lilac.master

Then you’d follow the steps here.

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while dev.provision terminal throwing the follwoing error
Waiting for MongoDB…

  • docker-compose exec -T mongo mongo --eval ‘db.serverStatus()’
  • printf .
    .+ sleep 1
  • docker-compose exec -T mongo mongo --eval ‘db.serverStatus()’
  • printf .
    .+ sleep 1
  • docker-compose exec -T mongo mongo --eval ‘db.serverStatus()’
  • printf .
    .+ sleep 1
  • docker-compose exec -T mongo mongo --eval ‘db.serverStatus()’
  • printf .
    .+ sleep 1
  • docker-compose exec -T mongo mongo --eval ‘db.serverStatus()’
  • printf .
    .+ sleep 1
    terminal continuous printing this

anyone please help me in this issue

Its not yet solved ,someone please help me

@Md.Muntasir_Mamun, the repeated output logs that you are seeing is due to the devstack provisioning process waiting for the MongoDB container to be ready and available. If this doesn’t stop, it means that there are some issues in starting the container, and so you should check the container logs for any relevant error messages.

Please checkout the open-release/lilac.master branch of the edx/devstack repository before following the steps in GitHub - openedx/devstack at open-release/lilac.master to prevent any issues due to newer changes in the master branch.

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Still getting this,Its in a loop ,how to overcome this

@Md.Muntasir_Mamun, did you check the container logs for any relevant error messages?

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