Olive ansible got failed while installing on ubuntu 20.04 LTS

I got the below error while installing openedx olive.master (native) on ubuntu 20.04 server.

Ansible failed!

Decoded error:
== Unknown keys ======================
ansible_loop_var: ‘item’
== cmd ===========================
== msg ===========================
non-zero return code
== stderr ===========================
2023-11-14 09:22:59,074 WARNING 407900 [py.warnings] [user None] [ip None] warnings.py:109 - /edx/app/edxapp/venvs/edxapp/lib/python3.8/site-packages/boto/plugin.py:40: DeprecationWarning: the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib; see the module’s documentation for alternative uses
import imp

2023-11-14 09:22:59,124 WARNING 407900 [py.warnings] [user None] [ip None] warnings.py:109 - /edx/app/edxapp/venvs/edxapp/lib/python3.8/site-packages/botocore/vendored/requests/packages/urllib3/_collections.py:1: DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from ‘collections’ instead of from ‘collections.abc’ is deprecated since Python 3.3, and in 3.10 it will stop working
from collections import Mapping, MutableMapping

2023-11-14 09:23:00,497 WARNING 407900 [py.warnings] [user None] [ip None] warnings.py:109 - /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/openedx/core/types/admin.py:49: DeprecationWarning: Django 3.2+ available: the _admin_display method and the AdminMethodclass should be removed from openedx.core.types

2023-11-14 09:23:00,957 WARNING 407900 [py.warnings] [user None] [ip None] warnings.py:109 - /edx/app/edxapp/venvs/edxapp/lib/python3.8/site-packages/storages/backends/s3boto.py:41: DeprecationWarning: The S3BotoStorage backend is deprecated in favor of the S3Boto3Storage backend and will be removed in django-storages 1.8. This backend is mostly in bugfix only mode and has been for quite a while (in much the same way as its underlying library ‘boto’). For performance, security and new feature reasons it is strongly recommended that you update to the S3Boto3Storage backend. Please see the migration docs Amazon S3 — django-storages 1.14.2 documentation.

SystemCheckError: System check identified some issues:

?: (corsheaders.E013) Origin ‘’ in CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST is missing scheme or netloc
HINT: Add a scheme (e.g. https://) or netloc (e.g. example.com).

consent.DataSharingConsent.granted: (fields.W903) NullBooleanField is deprecated. Support for it (except in historical migrations) will be removed in Django 4.0.
HINT: Use BooleanField(null=True) instead.
consent.HistoricalDataSharingConsent.granted: (fields.W903) NullBooleanField is deprecated. Support for it (except in historical migrations) will be removed in Django 4.0.
HINT: Use BooleanField(null=True) instead.

Installation failed!

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