Please help me,

Please help me. I install Open edx Tutor on my server using CPU 64 core memory 256, but it is slow. Initially, I config Scaling with a single server, tutor config save


And have you already tried to restart the platform, so that the changes are taken?

I’ve tried that but the system still doesn’t fix the problem. Is there any way I can investigate the issue?

Thank so much.


Were you able to solve your problem?

I was thinking that if you’re using the old formula that was in the native installation to assign the workers:

workers = (multiprocessing.cpu_count()-1) * 4 + 4

In my experience, what has worked for me is that if I have 12 cores, I only assign 24 for the LMS and 16 for the Studio.

Because if I assigned more, it would start using a lot of “swap,” causing the platform to slow down. Even with that setup, the workers still use “swap,” considering that the VPS has 28GB of RAM assigned.