Is the logged in user in that screenshot enrolled in any course runs that are part of those new programs? That’s what the program dashboard shows. (There’s no built-in UI for learners that just lists all possible programs.)
Yeah, it’s same as @deborahgu said.
You need to enroll in one of the courses linked to a specific program and then that program will appear here. This page only shows those programs which has courses users are enrolled in.
End users need to create their own marketing site to show list of all programs.
looking back on your screenshots, I see Caching programs UUIDS for 0 courses. in the cache_programs run. Have you associated courses with the individual programs? So, in your course discovery interface, eg admin/course_metadata/program/1/change/, if you scroll down until you see Courses:, do you see something like this?
The issue has been resolved. I created a new product source while creating the program, ran the required commands, and it worked.
After creating the program, run these commands.
tutor local run discovery ./ refresh_course_metadata --partner_code=openedx
tutor local run discovery ./ update_index --disable-change-limit
tutor local run lms ./ lms cache_programs