Set up Tutor development environment - Mount edx-platform

I am window user. I installed tutor via source code and I tried to set up Tutor local development (Open edX development — Tutor documentation) but it is not successful.

Here are what I did:

  1. Install Tutor using source code to installation path c:\install\
  2. Set TUTOR_ROOT as Target Host, e.g., c:\host\
  3. Set up local development environment (
    Under installation path c:\install\tutor
    3.1) Clone edx-platform from git to c:\install\openedx\tutor\edx-platform
    3.2) c:\install\Tutor\tutor mounts add ./edx-platform
  4. Build images “openedx-dev”
  5. Run “tutor dev launch”

Problem: I try to change the edx-platform code and run tutor dev launch. Changes code are not found at the host.

Previously, I clone edx-platform code to separated folder e.g., c:\edx-platform, add mount, and run tutor dev launch. Build is not successful because the error looks for the code inside Tutor installation path.

Is there any mistake I made? Thanks a lot in advance.

Hi there,

One important thing is that in step 4 you should make sure to do a tutor images build openedx-dev --no-cache the first time you add mounts. The --no-cache is important, but just the first time.

Thanks Brian.

I roll back and redo step 3. and 3.2) I clone open-edx git at c:\host. At step 4, I build openedx-dev with --no-cache. and dev launch. The change code does not appear at the host. I think that the system still use the image that was not the latest built. Do I need to clear image manually at Docker Desktop? Or is there any step that I might be wrong?

Thank you very much.

Hi @N_V,

Which files are you changing? If you are changing HTML/SCSS files, then you have to run the watchthemes container. But if you are changing python files then it should update.