hi there , i have some issues in my edx sso thirdparty and getting this error
{“log”:“2025-02-03 14:18:16,325 ERROR 25 [common.djangoapps.third_party_auth.models] [user None] [ip] models.py:833 - No SAMLProviderData found for provider "Sharif Star SSO" with entity id "https://sso.sharifstar.com/idp/metadata/\” and IdP slug "default". Run "manage.py saml pull" to fix or debug.\n",“stream”:“stderr”,“time”:“2025-02-03T10:48:16.326361414Z”}
SystemCheckError: System check identified some issues:
?: (corsheaders.E013) Origin ‘accounts.sharifstar.com’ in CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST is missing scheme or netloc
HINT: Add a scheme (e.g. https://) or netloc (e.g. example.com).
?: (corsheaders.E013) Origin ‘accounts.sharifstar.com’ in CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST is missing scheme or netloc
HINT: Add a scheme (e.g. https://) or netloc (e.g. example.com).
?: (corsheaders.E013) Origin ‘lms.sharifstar.com’ in CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST is missing scheme or netloc