Tech talk/demo: Deploying multiple Open edX instances onto a Kubernetes Cluster with Tutor

Thanks to those who have attended this meeting. It was really nice to see everyone, and the conversation was fruitful!


@MoisesGonzalezS @Neo @gabor @jhony_avella @Felipe @braden @Andres.Aulasneo @lpm0073 @keithgg @antoviaque

Action items

Resulting from the discussions:

  • @Felipe will look into Helm charts - shared helm charts to deploy Open edX on Kubernetes looks like a good option to collaborate with. He will post his review of it within the next couple of weeks
  • If this confirms that it would be worth using to try to work together, @Felipe and @braden will work out a concrete proposal document together, for shared helm charts to deploy Open edX on Kubernetes, which will then be reviewed by the group.


Chat log

00:07:40 Felipe Montoya: Miro | Online Whiteboard for Visual Collaboration
00:44:23 jhony: GitHub - eduNEXT/drydock
00:53:12 Gábor Boros: libdjango/templates · main · opencraft / Operations / OpenCraft Helm Charts · GitLab