Title: Discussion and Questions about Microsoft Learn LTI App for Open edX Project

Hi! Nice to see everyone in this forum. Our development team is working on a project related to Open edX and we are new to Open edX; there are several questions we would like to ask, and we are looking forward to getting help from you all here.

Our team is under the University College London IXN project team and we aim to onboarding Open edX by updating existing LTI schema and craft consistent deploying documents to fix the “broken link” between Open edX and Microsoft Learn LTI Application. In short, the current Open edX platform does not perfectly support the integration of Microsoft Learn LTI application (versions 1.1 and 1.3) in it; several issues arise when integrate the MS Learn LTI App and we need to try our best to fix them. Missing of NRPS setting is a potential root cause of issue that has been identified, which is due to requested parameter ContextMemebershipUrl cannot be received (for details of these issues and our aims. please refer to this link: Openedx LTI · Issue #103 · microsoft/Learn-LTI · GitHub). Our team thinks this can be fixed with the serializer adaptation in xblock code.

The project is currently underway and we have made some progress in terms of the causes of some of the problems that have founded as mentioned above. So, our plan now is to go ahead and try to modify a small part of the edx-platform and xblock-lti-consumer code.

Ideally, we would like to request a branch of the edx-platform and xblock-lti-consumer projects. We therefore refer to chapter 3 of the Open edX Developer’s Guide: Contributing to Open edX (3. Contributing to Open edX — Open edX Developer's Guide documentation). But there was still some confusion:

  1. About JIRA. In the configuration guide it says choose the project “Open Source Pull Requests” and the issue type “Feature Proposal” to start the JIRA discussion. But we cannot find this project on Open edX JIRA. How should we start this?

  2. About the development. We are using Tutor to build and deploy the Open edX. Is there any guidance on editing the code of edx by Tutor?

  3. About the feasibility of implementation. Are our ideas feasible? We are looking forward to an in-depth conversation with an Open edX developer.

Thank you very much!

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Hi @xiaomo!

As a veteran Open edX contributor, my suggestion is to simply forego Jira: it is by and large a tool edX (the organization) uses for internal project management. Using or understanding it is not required for making successful contributions.

If you already have an implementation, just go ahead and open a PR. This is a great door opener: as most open source communities, we get a lot of ideas but not as much code. If/when you do, feel free to ping me on it (or here), and I’ll help you find a reviewer.

You should probably just follow the official documentation on the subject. We are all interested in how to make Tutor a better development environment, so feel free to discuss your findings here.

The best person to talk about the LTI consumer XBlock is probably @giovannicimolin, as he headed its implementation. He might not be immediately available, but if in the meantime you submit a PR - even if just a proof-of-concept PR - I think he’ll be able to at least point you in the right direction.

Hope to have helped, a little bit. Do keep us up to date on how that goes!


Hi @arbrandes !

Thank you very much for your reply! You reply is very helpful and useful. We have made some progress so far compared to when I posted this (14 days ago) and you can see the details of progress here: Openedx LTI · Issue #103 · microsoft/Learn-LTI · GitHub. On this GitHub issue post, we have had a number of discussions about Open edX integration with LTI and @giovannicimolin also give some very useful information. Many thanks!