Upgrading from ironwood to juniper

After running juniper migration, I don’t understand this “Copy your configuration files from Ironwood to Juniper”. Which files can I copy from ironwood to juniper? Please

Hello @HlaThit,

You have to copy your Ironwood configurations such as Nginx changes, your JSON files settings (lms.env.json, cms.env.json, lms.auth.json, cms.auth.json) or any other changes related to settings that you have made on Ironwood.

Hello @jramnai ,
I tried to migrate from ironwood to juniper using this “/edx/app/edx_ansible/edx_ansible/util/install/native.sh --tags migrate”. But installation failed.
My juniper server version is juniper.3.
I set openedx_release varible to “export OPENEDX_RELEASE=open-release/juniper.master”.
Can you help me why installation failed in migrating?

@HlaThit, provide full error trace in Pastebin instead of the screenshot so that people can look into it and can help you.

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@jramnai , my upgraded juniper server works after adding some server configuration file changes. But I want to know why ansible failed in migrating if you can help. Here is installation log fileinstall-20210913-095302.log (115.9 KB). Thank you for your help.

Hello @HlaThit,

django.db.utils.OperationalError: (1050, “Table ‘thumbnail_kvstore’ already exists”)

This is the useful and actual error from the log which you have sent.

So, you have to delete the table manually. You can take further reference from this slack message.

Before doing anything regarding version upgrade, make sure you have backup of your data.


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