Upgrading MySQL charset to utf8mb4

@Abdess , @regis, @dave, what is the correct way to set the Django default charset to utf8mb4 in Palm?

In this thread @Abdess said to edit .local/lib/python3.x/site-packages/tutor/templates/apps/openedx/config/partials/auth.yml (which for me is python3.10).

  1. I have a beta site that’s on Palm where apparently I never did that AFAICT (it still has a charset: "utf8mb3" line though, and I’m not sure if that’s default or not), but everything working for emojis
  2. I have a production site that’s on Palm where I did modify it to charset: "utf8mb4" but it’s still not working.

Also in this thread above @Abdess says to edit tutor/templates/apps/openedx/config/partials/auth.yml, but no auth.yml file exists for me in .local/share/tutor on Palm… (But maybe it existed on Nutmeg at the time my beta was on Nutmeg and then the configuration got moved to whereever was appropriate once it upgraded to Palm on the one system, but not the other which was coming from Lilac to Palm?)

So I’m wondering if I found some other way to set it, and now I’m just not able to re-find it… Because I think the error message over on my not working thread is indicative of Django erroring out due to not understanding utf8mb4.

(I would also note that on my working beta server I don’t see charset: "utf8mb4" under [‘DATABASES’][‘default’][‘OPTIONS’] within .local/share/tutor/env/apps/openedx/config/lms.env.yml

      init_command: "SET sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES'

and I went so far as to remove the if RUN_MYSQL conditional in .local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tutor/templates/apps/openedx/config/partials/auth.yml on my non-working server, to try and force it in (and indeed then it showed up in .local/share/tutor/env/apps/openedx/config/lms.env.yml, but that still didn’t fix it :cry: )