We are custmozing UI and using open Apis in swagger, we found apis for courses, sections and subsections, but stuck at getting videos, can anyone please help , we need api to get the videos we uploaded in the stuido.
Hi @venkatsai1234,
Is this the same question you posted at View-transcript-video ? If so, please delete that thread or this thread and take some time to expand your problem and your question in a bit more detail. It’s distracting for everyone if you make multiple posts about the same issue, and it makes it harder for people to find the answers when they look in the future.
It seems like you’re looking for a REST API that will list all of the videos associated with a course, and which can be used in Studio. Is that right?
If so, try this. Not sure if it works in Studio but it should work from the LMS.
GET /api/courses/v1/blocks/?course_id=<course_id>
&username=<username here, must be enrolled in the course>
Yes Barden I am looking for the same
@braden do u know how to see the duration of the video in the UI, do we need to enable somewhere in the studio?
It displays while the video is playing, but I’m not sure if it’s possible to display the duration before the video plays. I do know that the duration can sometimes be found from the edxval (video abstraction layer) API and sometimes from the YouTube metadata API, but it seems that the Video XBlock doesn’t consistently use, store, or display that information. If you want, you can iterate over the videos, fetch the duration from the video provider API (e.g. YouTube), and store it in the edxval table yourself, and also fix any bugs in the Video XBlock JavaScript to ensure that it gets displayed.