Also have tried that one. Have tried all possibilities from tutor documentation regarding mounts.
Apart from having update the docker file since the build (tutor images build openedx) was failing:
# the below was added in all install steps
RUN apt-get clean && \
apt-get update --fix-missing && \
apt-get install -y --fix-missing
Also changed to load my local directory:
COPY --from=new-api / /openedx/new_api
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/openedx/.cache/pip,sharing=shared \
pip install -e /openedx/new_api
And then run like this:
docker buildx build --no-cache --output=type=docker --cache-from=type=registry, --build-context=new-api=/Users/raquelsilva/Documents/tutor_plugins/new_api /Users/raquelsilva/Library/Application\ Support/tutor/env/build/openedx
Everything seems correct with the above but when I try to access the URL of the app created above:
{"level":"error","ts":XXXXXXXXX,"logger":"http.log.access.log0","msg":"handled request","request":{"remote_ip":"XXXXXX","remote_port":"36752","client_ip":"XXXXXXX","proto":"HTTP/1.1","method":"GET","host":"","uri":"/hello_world/"},"bytes_read":0,"user_id":"","duration":0.177832042,"size":3130,"status":404}
I can see only this /openedx/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/new-api.egg-link
inside the LMS container, not sure what else to look for. Shouldn’t I add it to INSTALLED_APPS
Ideally I would not want to change the docker file since that is not reliable nor scalable.