My Tutor instalation works great, no problems. But i want to change the instance type without losing my data. I created an AMI on AWS (an image) of the tutor installation that works but when i deploy this to a new fresh instance with more power, it seems to fail
when i try tutor local reboot it appears to be stuck trying to get credentials for
{“level”:“error”,“ts”:1682359905.9772887,“logger”:“tls.obtain”,“msg”:“will retry”,“error”:"
Am i doing this all wrong how can i just shift my data to another instance via an image and get it to run ?
Hey Regis! thank you for all the great work your doing!
Yeah i did the following
Instance A [working fine] - created IMAGE (AMI)
Instance B
Launched AMI on this instance
When is SSH in seems everything is working fine
Im using a static ip so i pointed all the ip’s to the new instance
however if i boot up the old instance [A], and point the ip to it, it works fine
Im wondering if i need to do something with the RSA keys that are causing this but not sure why a running TUTOR OPENEDX wont boot up on a new instance even with the ip’s and dns pointed towards it
Did you resolve your issue? It would be easier to help you if you gave us the url of your Open edX platform. Feel free to send it to by private message.