Axim Funded contribution proposal - Forum rewrite from Ruby+MongoDB to Python+MySQL

Hi Open edX! :wave: Edly is submitting a spontaneous funded contribution proposal to rewrite the forum app from Ruby to Python. In addition, data will be migrated from MongoDB to MySQL.

Here is the technical proposal reference document : Migration of Forums: From Ruby to Python - Technical Proposal - Google Docs


We will migrate the forum to a reusable Django app. We will do this in a progressive manner, including data migration from MongoDB to MySQL. Search data will remain in Elasticsearch, but it will become much easier to transition to Meilisearch in the future if need be. There will be no impact on the frontend. We expect that the migration can be completed in a single release cycle and be ready in time for Sumac.

(I went back and forth on the idea of converting the document from Google Docs to Confluence or a forum topic. Confluence has only in-progress proposals. Forums make it difficult to to comment on specific parts of the proposal. So I went with Google Docs, and we’ll transition to Confluence once the proposal is accepted)

Requests for comments

Edly is ready to take on this project entirely, so we are not looking for additional providers. This project was pitched to the TOC in the last meeting, where it met general approval. (the words “this is a no-brainer” were heard) But we are very much looking forward to hearing the comments from the community. Code and data migrations are tricky, and it’s important to get them right on the first try, so we want the community stamp of approval.

Please add your comments straight in the Google Doc or right here :point_down: Thank you!


I realize that @regis is out on PTO at the moment. Is there someone else at Edly that’s watching this doc? A few of us left comments a couple of weeks ago, and there haven’t been any responses.

Dave, thank you for leaving the comments. While Regis is primarily leading this, other core team members on this project were also on leaves and we had a few national holidays as well. We will get back with a response as soon as we can.

Completely understandable. Thank you for the update. :smile: