I have referred to as many threads as I can find on this error and while there was some insightful information there, none really struck at the heart of the problem.
We used tutor config to make a change to the smtp settings and things seemed to go swimmingly but then when starting up, I noticed the container for caddy was bouncing so I looked into the logs and saw this:
{"level":"info","ts":1695332850.226727,"msg":"using provided configuration","config_file":"/etc/caddy/Caddyfile","config_adapter":"caddyfile"}
Error: adapting config using caddyfile: ambiguous site definition: tutor.lit.ai
So I found the Caddyfile on the filesystem and took a look and to be honest, I’m not sure if what is here is allowed or not… the hostname IS in here twice and that is probably the violation, but if I comment out the portion that imports the MFE then courses don’t work. If I leave it in, the site won’t start.
Can anyone give me any pointers on what to do? Here is our Caddyfile:
# Global configuration
# proxy directive snippet (with logging) to be used as follows:
# import proxy "containername:port"
(proxy) {
log {
output stdout
format filter {
wrap json
fields {
common_log delete
request>headers delete
resp_headers delete
tls delete
# This will compress requests that matches the default criteria set by Caddy.
# see https://caddyserver.com/docs/caddyfile/directives/encode
# for information about the defaults; i.e. how/when this will be applied.
encode gzip
reverse_proxy {args.0} {
header_up X-Forwarded-Port 443
tutor.lit.ai{$default_site_port}, preview.tutor.lit.ai{$default_site_port} {
@favicon_matcher {
path_regexp ^/favicon.ico$
rewrite @favicon_matcher /theming/asset/images/favicon.ico
# Limit profile image upload size
handle_path /api/profile_images/*/*/upload {
request_body {
max_size 1MB
import proxy "lms:8000"
handle_path /* {
request_body {
max_size 4MB
studio.tutor.lit.ai{$default_site_port} {
@favicon_matcher {
path_regexp ^/favicon.ico$
rewrite @favicon_matcher /theming/asset/images/favicon.ico
import proxy "cms:8000"
handle_path /* {
request_body {
max_size 250MB
tutor.lit.ai{$default_site_port} {
respond / 204
request_body {
max_size 2MB
import proxy "mfe:8002"
Thanks in advance for your consideration! I appreciate all of you hard-working EdX admins because it must be a thankless and long job… I have been up to my ears and I’m just getting started.