Cannot access LTI Deep Link response in openedx

Hi there, I was trapped in some errors about deploying an LTI tools in edx-platform.

I run both edx and LTI tools on a local machine. Edx uses port 8000 and 8001, and lti tools uses 9001.

For edx, I use:

tutor mounts add ./edx-platform
tutor images build openedx-dev
tutor dev launch

which is in tutor dev

For LTI Tools, I use: pylti1.3-flask-example, which is running on

So, When I tried to launch deep link in openedx. It returns Please check that you have course staff permissions and double check this block's LTI settings. I am sure that I was using a staff account. And I am quite sure I have set DCS_SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE = 'None' in edx-plarform/lms/env/.

I noticed that mentioned the similar problems.

The error log in edx is below:

lms-1            | 2024-06-19 17:10:13,641 WARNING 114 [lti_consumer.plugin.views] [user None] [ip 172.19.X.X] - Permission on LTI Config <LtiConfiguration: [CONFIG_ON_XBLOCK] lti_1p3 - block-v1:edX+DemoX+Demo_Course+type@lti_consumer+block@ba1ec764026346b39f2cb233dce4f01a> denied for user <SimpleLazyObject: <django.contrib.auth.models.AnonymousUser object at 0x7f270d1e75e0>>:
lms-1            | 2024-06-19 17:10:13,648 DEBUG 114 [django.db.backends] [user None] [ip 172.19.X.X] - (0.000) COMMIT; args=None; alias=default
lms-1            | [19/Jun/2024 17:10:13] "POST /api/lti_consumer/v1/lti/8/lti-dl/response HTTP/1.1" 403 7093

I masked my ip address in error log. How to solve this problem?
