Dear Group - I tried several different methods for creating/updating theme. I installed edx on Ubuntu, 16.04.6, Docker CE and Compose, even Portainer.
For me, this looks to be the one that should work the best. Tried it a couple times but no luck yet.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Step-by-step are my issues. My notes are in parenthesis:
Customised themes:
With Tutor, it’s pretty easy to develop your own themes. Start by placing your files inside the env/build/openedx/themes directory. For instance, you could start from the theme present inside the edx-platform repository:
(./.local/share/tutor/env/build/openedx/themes/ and copied the theme. Note: I manually created a “openedx/themes” folders that wasn’t there.)
cp -r /path/to/edx-platform/themes/ “$(tutor config printroot)/env/build/openedx/themes/”
: cp -r /edx-platform/themes/ "$(tutor config printroot)*** ./.local/share/tutor/env/build/openedx/themes/ "
(I was able to copy to the env/build/ after creating 2 new sub-directories above (Step 1).)
Then, run a local webserver:
tutor dev runserver lms
(I successfully ran this command.)
The LMS can then be accessed at …localhost:8000/.
(Our LMS has a DNS entry and it works correctly)
Then, follow the [Open edX documentation to apply your themes]
(I added a Site Theme and updated Site and on the Django Panel from this Step. I noticed that if I add an existing theme like Stanford-theme, or dark-theme, etc, it updates to an existing theme only. )
[ Apply a Theme to a Site]
To apply a theme to an Open edX site, follow these steps.
Make sure that you have enabled theming for your Open edX installation and that you have configured an installation-wide themes directory. For more information, see [Enabling and Applying Theme]
Make sure that you have created a theme and that you know the identifier of the theme. The identifier of a theme is the name of the directory for that theme, within your installation-wide themes directory. For more information, see Creating a Theme
Sign in to the Django administration console for your base URL. For example, http://{your_URL}/admin.
Select Site themes .
Select Add site theme .
From the Site menu, select the site you want to apply a theme to.
In the Theme dir name field, enter the identifier of the theme.
Select Save .
- You will not have to modify the lms.env.json/cms.env.json files; just follow the instructions to add a site theme in “…localhost:8000/admin” (starting from step 3).
(DB: Apparently because these are mako templates so they should compile in real-time but no updates and the paver command produces import errors.
Watch the themes folders for changes (in a different terminal):
tutor dev watchthemes
Make changes to some of the files inside the theme directory: the theme assets should be automatically recompiled and visible.