Challenges in Customizing Open edX Themes

Hello everyone. I am a beginner with Open edX, and I successfully installed the system using Docker and Tutor. After completing the installation, the default theme was Indigo, and the system is working fine. Then, I downloaded the development environment edx-platform in the following directory: /.local/share/tutor/env/built/openedx/edx-platform. When I tried to modify the code, no changes appeared in the browser. After that, I decided to download another theme, and I installed the theme in /home/myplace/, then mounted the theme to the directory /.local/share/tutor/env/built/openedx/themes. However, I was unable to change the theme, even though no error messages were displayed.

I would appreciate your help, thank you very much!

Hi @elias_bishr, welcome to the team!

Try our branding plugin. It might help you change the look and feel of your site.

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