I have installed tutor v. 10.2.2 which uses Juniper.3.
I have been unable to change the header content in the account activation emails. I’ve followed the suggestion here Import from Opencraft + email template and have added the base_body.html to my custom theme directory lms/templates/ace_common/edx_ace/common/base_body.html.
However, this fixes the password reset email, but not the account activation email.
The account activation email is still sent with the core template and core template header that has links from the logo and the Sign In text pointing to https//example.com.
In base_body.html, it shows dashboard_url and homepage_url being read in for these incorrect links. I’ve tracked this down to the marketing environment variables which are pulled in here: openedx/core/djangoapps/ace_common/template_context.py.
We do not have these variables assigned for our site. I did try to add the following to the lms.env.vars file to no avail -
MKTG_URL_LINK_MAP: {ABOUT: about, BLOG: blog, CAREERS: careers, CONTACT: contact,
COURSES: courses, DONATE: donate, HELP_CENTER: help-center, HONOR: honor, NEWS: news,
PRESS: press, PRIVACY: privacy, ROOT: root, SITEMAP.XML: sitemap_xml, TOS: tos,
WHAT_IS_VERIFIED_CERT: verified-certificate}
Thanks for any ideas on how to change the URLs in the header part of the emails so they are correct.