I´m following the instructions on configuring Open EdX as an SP here Configuring your Open edX Site as a SAML Service Provider
But in the steps under Add Keys to the LMS Configuration File
It says to include the comment #SAML KEYS in lms.auth.json
It also says to add the YAML literal style indicator (|) to the paramater SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_SP_PUBLIC_CERT
And it says to copy the content of saml.cert to the jason file after the YAML literal style indicator.
Non of these instructions are valid JSON so what gives?
This is what I get in my lms.auth.json when I follow these instructions
Can some help me understand this please?
I’ve followed the docs for SSO integration including Integrating with a SAML Identity Provider but I’m not seing the SSO login button on the sign in page.