Contributors Meetup Async Update - October 28th, 2023 - November 10th, 2023

Core Contributor Check-In: Oct 28 - Nov 11, 2023

:speaking_head: Let’s find cool stuff to collaborate on!

:mirror_ball: This is cool @Felipe says that what went well this sprint is finalizing the delivery of the Wordpress plugin that allows Open edX instances to sell courses using WooCommerce! :clap:t4: :clap:t4: :clap:t4:

This is a summary of responses for the end-of-sprint check-in. The full report is on Listaflow.

:stopwatch: Core Contributor Hours

This sprint we reported 219.25 hours of contributions, which is 3 hours more than the previous sprint of 216.25 hours. It was also reported to be a pretty productive sprint:

However we only achieved 25% response rate. It should be at least 3 times that size, if not 4 :slight_smile:

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Summary of Responses

1. Do you need any help? Or is there anything you’d like to collaborate on?


2. What should we improve? Are there any blockers?

No comments.

3. What did you accomplish this sprint?


  • Follow-up and answer questions/items from sprint retros feedback
  • Coordination around delegation of OSPRs for busy teams.
  • TOC Discussions about elections issues.


  • 2 more product proposals submitted and started work on documentation for aspects and dashboards review.


  • Reviewed PRs 53 and 59 from the wordpress commerce plugin


  • I was sick.


  • Completed user interviews about CC processes
  • Reviewed some new product proposals
  • Attended the Contributors Discussion and UX/UI Working Group Meeting



  • Started work on upgrade tutor-ecommerce and tutor-discovery plugins to quince release
  • Discovery on upload time improvement of Scorm Xblock in case of S3 backend

4. What do you plan to work on in the upcoming sprint?


  • Planning to do more Aspects and Conduct committee work next sprint.


  • Upstreaming MOOC Async Sprint
  • OEP for escalation process to TOC - Follow-up
  • PR Delays - Follow-up


  • See if there are any patterns in the feedback I received during interviews with CC’s. Determine how to share this feedback with the rest of the community so we can work together to come up with solutions.


  • To coordinate all the remaining test cases for the Quince test plan and keep informed of GitHub issues blocking the upcoming Quince release.

5. What went well this sprint?


  • Finalizing the delivery of the wordpress plugin that allows openedx instances to sell courses using woocommerce



  • A first OSPR is being experimentally delegated by the TNL team to the core contributors


  • I got some interesting (and useful!) feedback from CC’s during user interviews…


  • John Swope’s CC nomination was successful!
  • Sarina has done a great job leading asynchronous discussions to launch the Conduct Committee!
  • I’m getting into a good rhythm for Aspects work.

:speech_balloon: Questions or comments?

Please add any questions or comments you might have below. We’d love to hear from you!