Core Contributor Sprint Retro - 18 February 2023 - 04 March 2023

Find the full report attached or in Listaflow for your convenience:

There have been 252.50 reported hours during this sprint. Gathering this data is only one way to help monitor the success of the Core Contributors project.

Here’s a link to the community public calendar: Open edX Working Group Calendar

Is there anything where you could use help from others? Or that you would like to collaborate on? User
Review or give your opinion in this PR feat: reduce size CSS output file by ghassanmas · Pull Request #266 · openedx/frontend-build · GitHub Ghassan Maslamani
Is anyone looking for UX/UI design assistance on any projects? Ali Hugo
Retrospective - What went well these last two weeks / sprint? User
Tutor is freaking amazing. Most of the OARS work so far involves integrating 3rd party systems and building initialization scripts, and I haven’t found anything I’ve needed to do that Tutor can’t handle. Even just the file templating and variable expansion is so simple, and so powerful, and it just. plain. works.

Thank you so much Regis!
Jill Vogel
Attended the Product Working Group meeting and got a better idea of the PR product review process. Ali Hugo
What did you accomplish in the last two weeks (aka “current sprint”)? (Optional) User
- Created a list of instructions for Farhaan on how to host the monthly AMEA meet-up
- Attended the Product Working Group meet-up
- Went through the list of PR’s ready for product review to see if there were any I could review
Ali Hugo
participated in the helm/large instances group
reviewed oep-18 PR
Felipe Montoya
- Upstreaming course - Sprint & prep - Community-maintained onboarding courses · Issue #11 · openedx/wg-community · GitHub
- Formalize DevOps subgroup - Register the group as a formal working group - Discovery · Issue #12 · openedx/openedx-k8s-harmony · GitHub
- TOC meeting, election iteration TOC Elections - Iterate over first year's process · Issue #91 · openedx/wg-community · GitHub
- Core sprints - Attend & post answers to questions Contributor's Meetup 2023-01-24 · Issue #85 · openedx/wg-community · GitHub
Xavier Antoviaque
Attended meeting of Build-Test-Release Working Group.
Attended meeting of Core Contributor Working Group.
Attended meeting of Developer Experience Working Group.
Attended meeting of the Harmony project.
Attended meeting of the Translations Working Group.
Attended meeting of the Translations Working Group with Transifex and LexiQA.
Reviewed a few translations for fr_CA.
Parse through Discourse and Slack to see if I could help answer some issues.
Read minutes of Working Groups I cannot attend in order to mostly be kept informed on what is going on in the community.
Pierre Mailhot
Complete work on event routing backend issue 235 of event routing backends.
Create two new concepts in openedx xAPI profile on
Zia Fazal
- I debguued the issue of not including German strings in some MFEs which was due incorrect usage of code in Makefile, where ‘de’ was/is used instead of ‘de_De’ ref slack thread Slack
- also relating to the above point I create an issue in BTR to backport some PRs to be included in olive.3 ref issue Backport for Olive.3 · Issue #253 · openedx/wg-build-test-release · GitHub
- I spend some time in the forum answering questions or give an opinion
- Attended WGs meeting.
Ghassan Maslamani
Nothing like a deadline to focus the mind…

* Great progress on openedx-oars#30 – integrating Superset with Clickhouse is nearly done, just tutor-contrib-superset#6 and tutor-contrib-oars#3 to go.
Jill Vogel
What will you work on for during the next two weeks / sprint? (Optional) User
Collaborating with Brian to:
* Finish the OARS demo site.
* Write talk about OARS for conference.
Jill Vogel
I’d like to work on improving the user experience of this Sprint Retrospective and Planning checkin. Ali Hugo
- Prepare conference talk - Extend draft
- Elections - Review comments & draft proposal
- Core sprints - Attend & post answers to questions
- Product working group - Attend
- Upstreaming course - Project management
- Contributors WG - Groom github board & tickets

2023-02-18 - 2023-03-04.pdf (27.9 KB)
2023-02-18 - 2023-03-04.csv (67.1 KB)

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