Course authoring mfe is not showing Problem Xblock editor

HI guys I hope everything is going well. I’m not able to see enabled new_core_editors.use_new_problem_editor flag of course authoring mfe

I have enabled all the requirements Waffle flags
and enabled ENABLE_NEW_EDITOR_PAGES as required

flags: new_core_editors.use_new_text_editor and new_core_editors.use_new_video_editor are working but new_core_editors.use_new_problem_editor is the only one that doesn’t work

I get a message that says ‘Problem’

It should appears this

  • tutor version: 15.3.7

Steps to replicate it

1. python3 -m venv venv
2. source venv/bin/activate
3. pip install “urllib3<2.0”
4. pip install “tutor[full]==15.3.7”
5. export TUTOR_ROOT=$(pwd)
6. tutor config save --set LEARNING_BASE_URL=
7. tutor config save --set COURSE_AUTHORING_MICROFRONTEND_URL=

8. vim

    from tutor import hooks

9. cp -R “$(tutor plugins printroot)”
10. tutor plugins enable xblock
11. tutor images build openedx
12. tutor local launch
13. Go to
create and enable these flags


Inside a course in studio create a new unit in any section and select “Add New Component” type “Problem”

iirc only the new text editor works on olive. The problem editor should works on Palm (tutor v16+).

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I have a productive environment in Olive, so should I update it? isn’t there a way to activate it? It’s weird that the other editors (text editor and video editor work well)

Hi, it is because we (TNL team at 2U) had not built the problem editor at the time of olive release, so it was not available. It was released with palm IRC, and will be improved in the Quince and Redwood releases as well. Hence your error. Happy editing!

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