Does the new problem editor work with waffle flag overrides?

We recently upgraded to Palm and have turned on the new problem editor (part of the Course Authoring MFE). It’s mostly great, but it interferes with a custom xBlock we use.

Since it will take some time to update the xBlock, we’d like to turn off the new problem editor for the handful of courses that use this xBlock.

I’ve tried to achieve this through a combination of setting the new_core_editors.use_new_problem_editor waffle flag on for everyone in the django admin at /admin/waffle/flag/ and then setting a Waffle flag override for the course in question, course-v1:MITx+SP.100r_49+2023_Summer, to force the flag off in the django admin at admin/waffle_utils/waffleflagcourseoverridemodel.

But that doesn’t seem to work. In fact, any override I’ve tried, whether course, org, or user, doesn’t seem to affect the site-wide setting for the flag.

Am I using the flags correctly? Is there any Open edx-specific documentation for waffle flags? I’ve heard that the new problem editor was incrementally rolled out on, so some kind of override must have been used. How did that work?

Hi Peter,

Because new_core_editors.use_new_problem_editor is a WaffleFlag, not a CourseWaffleFlag (in the code) it cannot be overriden with course overrides.

At, we partially rolled out the experience by enabling the flag for a particular group. Disabling it for a particular group would require: enabling it for all other users except those you want it off for…

You could certainly make a code change in edx-platform to make the flag a CourseWaffleFlag here If that is something instance owners want, I would approve that PR.

Not enough… GitHub - openedx/edx-toggles: Library and utilities for feature toggles is my source of truth.

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